Your Cart
This is the Header Notice module, use it for promotional or other important messages.

About Us

About Us

Example default fragments:

Store settings

Store URL:
Store Name:
Open Web Creations
Store Title: Open Web Creations
Store Owner: Open Web Creations
Store Address: Address 1
Adresss 2
Store Phone: 123456789
Store Fax: 987654321
Store Email: [javascript protected email address]
Store Opening: Times to open:
Mo-vr: from 9:00 to 18:00
Store Comment: Comment of the store.
Check our website.
Store Image: Open Web Creations
Fragment not found, the fragment will be removed

Custom fragment 1

Extension 'Store Company ID/VAT/IBAN/BIC' settings

Store Company ID
Store VAT number
Store IBAN
Store BIC

Extension 'Emailcloak Replace Anywhere'

Cloaks all your email addresses in your OpenCart website,
making them unreadable for spambots.
Normal emailaddress [javascript protected email address]
HTML link with href 'Http link with emailaddress' and emailaddress value [javascript protected email address]
HTML link with href 'Http link with email address' and normal value text [javascript protected email address]
HTML link with mailto and emailaddress value [javascript protected email address]
HTML link with mailto and normal text value [javascript protected email address]
HTML link with mailto and a image value [javascript protected email address]
HTML link with mailto+subject and with emailaddress value [javascript protected email address]
HTML link with mailto+subject and with normal text value [javascript protected email address]

Product dynamic fragments

  1. Name
  2. Description
  3. Model
  4. Manufacuturer
  5. Price
  6. Special price
  7. Ex. Tax
  8. Minimum Quantity
  9. Quantity
  10. Thumb image URL
  11. Thumb image formated
  12. Popup image URL
  13. Popup image formated
  14. Extra Thumb images formated
  15. Extra Popup images formated

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